Sunday, April 30, 2006

April's Curtain Call

As April draws to the close, I now pause to reflect upon how I did.

1) I finished the monthly goal, and surpassed last month's count. I'm hoping to break 29,000 before I submit my word count for the month. I'm fairly hopeful about it.

2) I'm currently at close to 39% completed for the year. Some of my fellow club members have upped their goal to 300K. I'm not sure I'm ready for that, but I would still be on target for 275K. Well, we'll see as things progress...

3) I'm the Team Leader for Week Four of the Muse Grove Challenge http://
My goal for this one is 6,500. I have less than 5,000 words to write before Cinco de Mayo.

4) I've decided I'm going to either read or outline on my lunch breaks, because I can't use the computer at my desk (silly rules).

But May is the month of my birthday, and Memorial Day at the end of it, so I'm not sure how well I'll do next month, but I am currently slated to finish in early November. A pretty nice improvement , considering last month, it was the end of November.

I've also decided to do a prompt from Challenge Now for May. 5K words minimum. We'll see how that goes...

And of course, I still need an idea for July....

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