Sunday, May 07, 2006

May: Week #1

So, the first week of the month of May has arrived, and my birthday arrives shortly after. My mother's is actually tomorrow, so I arranged to have flowers sent to her. I wanted to send her a plant, but they wouldn't deliver it on her birthday. Oh year maybe.

At work this week, I heard about all the drama that was going on at one of our hotels. I told the GM that her place should be a soap opera, or maybe just a reality tv show. Seriously, it would be a good idea, but I doubt any hotel would go for this, especially not a small chain. It could be bad for their reputation.

So, in this case, truth is stranger than fiction, but it also can make for a good piece of fiction. With the summer being all about travelling and light hearted fiction, I've decided that my tales will be my project for Julnowrimo, and I'll think of something else for Nanowrimo. So, now to work on an'll be a good project to occupy my lunch hour.

In any case, the first week of May went pretty well. I met my goals for Challenge #4, and made my count for April as well. Though looking at my count, I wonder how I will make Nanowrimo. Well, I'm sure I'll manage. The road map seems to help me stay on track, and I can always use the weekends to catch up. I could take some time off from work in November. Unfortunately, I really don't have any vacation time to spare.

So, April summed up:

1st day wasn't so good, but I still met the minimum for the month.
The Conspirators have won 2 challenges in a row
I can't eat lunch at my desk (which means I can't type out my novel)

So, my goals for the moment are simple:

Week #5 5,000 words (I'm going for a lower goal cause I'll probably be real busy that week)

May's goal: 21,235 is the minimum; I'm going to make mine 25,000

So far, I'm at 6,945 words, a little shy of 1,000 per day.

Words remaining: Minimum: 14,290; Personal Goal: 18,055

With that said, time for bed....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jademage, Long time no see around the halls of Sanguinus Curae... You are missed... :)

~ Kelemvour