Sunday, October 01, 2006

October! October! October!

So, September draws to an end, which means I can now start my Halloween shopping and decorating! So I did just that, heading over to Dollar Tree for a few things.

I still have to dig out the Halloween stuff tonight. On a side note, I am tied for first in the Trivia contest I entered. So now it's all down to how well I interpreted her blog entries and whether or not I guessed right on her candy expenditures. We shall see...

So, at the end of September, I missed the monthly goal by scant inches. Doh!
This month, I'm starting out with over 210,000 words, and with a day of having already written over 1,100 words.

I've got a pretty good outline so far for the Nano, but then again, I thought I was doing good on the Julno too. We shall see how things go this year...