Saturday, March 11, 2006

Weekend Slowdown

I always hate PbEM games on the weekends. People don't post, though you would think that they would have MORE time to post, not less.

In any case, this hasn't been the best of weeks for writing. While I only missed the 700 word goal once, I've missed the 1,000 word goal twice, and after about 4 hours of writing today, I am finally back on track for making the 31,000 word goal for March.

So, let's start with the setbacks: I went to a lunch to meet the GMs, and had to run a lunchtime errand on Friday, so I lost a couple of lunch breaks of writing. In addition, I had one PbEM game abruptly end (again), but there's always the UGR (Universal Game Room) A couple of the others are slowing down too. Doh!

The ST of Sodium hasn't posted again, but others are posting in hopes that maybe it will get going again. I sure hope so.

On the Successes:

I have taken on the club Writing Prompt and am making some good headway with it. It's keeping my word count afloat, really. I also suggested a bonus St. Patty's day prompt, and that has yet to be released, but I have an idea where I want to go with mine.

I also hit 50,000 words two days ago! This also puts me at the 20% completed mark. I think I'd like to hit the 25% mark before the end of next week, but we shall see how things go

I didn't have to work this weekend. Yay! But I will need to next week.

So, 11,000 words down, less than 20,000 to go. HOWEVER, Gamestorm (the local gaming Convention) is just around the corner at the end of the month. That means that weekend I probably won't be spending much time writing at all. Ah well, such is life sometimes. I will still have about a week to make up the lost days and several days previous to try to get a bit ahead...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

March Madness

Well, the new challenge for NanoWriYe is March Madness. Write 1,000 words a day for the entire month of March!

So far for the first week, I only missed the mark one day. I may make the goal of 31,000 yet.

So, I think I've pretty much got the Shadowrun entry done, I just want to add some hyperlinks to the text to point people in the right direction.

I'm also Employee of the Month for March! Doesn't really make up for a really tough February though.

Crossing my fingers that Sodium is going to be back up and running sooner. Others are posting in anticipation of it though, including me.

So, about 7,000 words down, 24,000 to go....