Thursday, November 01, 2007

On the First Day of Nano...

I began my first day of Nano in earnest at midnight, sharing my table with a first-time Nanoer who works as a cab driver. He'd bought an ancient laptop on Craigslist for $100 so he could write in his cab while waiting for fares. He left after about an hour, and I wished him good luck.

I left a half-hour later with over 716 words done, drove home and went to bed. Before my
husband left for work, he asked me to write 3,000 words and have dinner ready by the time he got home. 3,000 is more than I can typically write in a day, so I got him to agree to 2,000 and dinner ready.

When I woke up, I established that my goal was to shower, dress, do laundry and dishes and have the hamburger defrosting in the sink so I could start working by 12. I completed these goals by 10:30, which means I'm going to start at 11:00. My Rhapsody radio is fired up, and I'm ready to start....

So my husband calls at 4:45 to say that he wanted to stay on the West Side and play disc golf. It was a very nice fall day (pretty rare in these parts), so I said why not. It gave me more time to get dinner ready. Turns out I'd need it because we were out of spaghetti. But I'd already met my goal, and had over 2,000 words completed. :)

It is now about 9:30. I'm pretty tired, so I think I'll turn in as soon as ER is over.

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