Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Halfway Point

Well, today, I finally reached the halfway mark of my year's goal, and only 3 days into June. Whoo hoo!!!

Yesterday, my coworker told me that making a tv show about the things that happen at hotels would be a good idea. I agreed, but said, probably should just write a novel instead, no hotel would want their name associated with the show when you focus on the drama. She said to let her know if I did start, I told her, oh maybe next month I'll start working on it.

The reason she said it was this: the GM (General Manager) for one of my properties called and asked me if we have credit card slips going back more than two years . I said, I believe so, but they're in the warehouse. She then tells me that a homicide detective had shown up at the hotel, investigating a murder, and asked for these records to establish that someone was there and not in Oregon. After making sure the homicide didn't occur AT the hotel (it didn't), I verified that the detective was trying to establish someone's alibi using the credit card receipts (seeing if he'd signed it). I then told her that Legal might have to get involved, but we'd be more than happy to track down the info if need be...

See what I mean about drama at hotels? I can't wait until July so I can start working on this....

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