Saturday, October 22, 2005

A Bit More Progress

Well, November 1 approaches, and I still don't have a title. Of course, I came up with last year's on Halloween.

I did have someone suggest a random title generator site, and gave that a whirl. Did find a few of interest:

Frozen Souls
Fallen Destiny
Eyes in the Shadow
The Tears of the Servant
Falling Shadow
Tales in the Voyages
Man in the Darkness
Memory in the Silk

But then again, perhaps Asphalt Memories would be a good working title.
After all, it is several interconnected stories. Or Man in the Darkness, but it doesn't fit quite so well.

So, I'm going to try to do ten Dares this year, but the crop isn't so promising, unfortunately. Too comic, when I'm going for serious. These are the eight I have so far:

-"Everything was good. Everything was going perfectly fine with no problems in sight. I was feeling fucked anyway."

A vampire doctor.

First, go to (or equivalent site) find a cliche and turn it on its head. I did that last year, with a minor charactor described as "having a face even a mother could hate."

Second, at that same site, there's lists of common-sense advice for Evil Overlords, Heros, Sidekicks and so on. Take an item from one of those lists and set things up so that the character has to do the opposite, or cliche'd action.

A walk-on gets hit by a speeding bus, gets up, dusts themselves off, and walks away. Bonus points if only the MC sees it.

--"The only thing they had there was snow. Lots of snow. Even snow on Halloween. And kindergarten until four o'clock. And busses with kids from all grades. It was scary.

"I dare you to have a char who continually calls your MC by the wrong name.Bonus points if the wrong name is Dave.Extra bonus points if the char continues calling your MC the wrong name even if everyone else gets it right.Mega bonus points if they have a conversation with your MC in which the MC explains patiently what his real name is... and they still use the wrong name.

*Include a bar named the Pit of Depravity.

I also adopted a vampire character, who is actually someone else's PC.

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