Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wow, October Already

Wow, it's October already and I've got the small fragment of an idea for a Nanonovel. So I have the main character. Now I need a team to build around the MC. And they need to have some interactions between them too. Perhaps they can be like the A-Team of old. Nah, I've never been too good at crazy.

I do have something going for me this year, as Daylight Savings Time actually ends on November 1st, which means an extra hour of writing. :) I'm going to be going to Las Vegas for a few days in November too, which means I'll have less time to write, but I can certainly write on the plane.

But until then, there's Halloween to worry about. I have three Halloween party invitations. One (the week prior) I can't do because we'll be out of town that week. Usually it falls on my gaming night. The other is hosted by a local store, and the last is a friend of my hubby's. We'll probably not go to them, as we're playing the Hope Open, a disc golf tournament in Corvallis.

Counting the days....

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